36 Days of Type is a project that invites designers, illustrators and visual artists to express their unique interpretation of the letters and numbers of the Latin alphabet.
A yearly open call that explores the creative boundaries of letterforms by challenging participants to design a letter or number each day for 36 consecutive days. The result is a global and simultaneous act that showcases the ability to represent the same symbols from thousands of different perspectives.
Our project offers a creative space to explore the endless graphic possibilities of typography and letterforms. Our goal is to share, promote, and inspire exceptional design, while providing a platform for both emerging and established designers to showcase their work.

will you be able to identify them all?
36 Pokemons to find. All are in english so everyone can play. Answers at the bottom.
will you be able to identify them all?
36 Pokemons to find. All are in english so everyone can play. Answers at the bottom.

Pokemon Search : 30 min / Base - Shape : 1 hour / Colors - Shading : 2,5 hours / Photoshop Export : 30 min.
Pokemon Search : 30 min / Base - Shape : 1 hour / Colors - Shading : 2,5 hours / Photoshop Export : 30 min.

Letters & Numbers
Letters : Alakazam / Bulbasaur / Charizard / Dragonair / Eevee / Farfetch'd / Golem / Hypno / Ivysaur / Jumpluff / Kingler / Lapras / Machoke / Nidoking / Onix / Pikachu / Qwilfish / Raticate / Sandshrew / Togepi / Unown / Voltorb / Wartortle / Xatu / Yanma / Zigzagoon
Numbers : 0 - Articuno / 1 - Zapdos / 2 - Moltres / 3 - Mewtwo / 4 - Raikou / 5 - Entei / 6 - Suicune / 7 - Lugia / 8 - Ho-Oh / 9 - Mew.